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Welcome to TrainSpeedTest.in! an online speedometer tool that can accurately measure your train speed. This tool comes in handy when you are traveling on a train and want to check its speed so you can calculate how long will it take you to reach your destination.


What is the Train Speed Test?

Train Speed Tester is an advanced online tool, that allows one to calculate the train speed with a device that utilizes the GPS of the mobile phone. When the onboard train passengers want to check their train speed they use TrainSpeedTest. With the easy-to-use interface and support for different units of measurement, like meters per second (m/s), miles per hour (mph), and kilometers per hour (km/h), our tool supports a worldwide audience.

Regarding accuracy, the speed of a train is solely dependent upon the GPS sensor used in the device. For the most part, current-generation devices do not have any issues providing accurate results. However, some errors may happen if have poor satellite strength or device capability to process the data.


How Train Speed Test work?

Whenever you test your train speed by using our tool, it will always ask for your permission to use the device's GPS, after being allowed then the tool will start calculating the Train speed by checking how long will it take your train to travel from one point to another. This calculation will happen every second until you stop the tool, by calculating your traveling speed every single second our tool can provide you the real-time speed.


How to Test Train Speed?

To check your train speed all you need is your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or any other device as long as it can access the Internet, GPS, and Browser. 

  1. Visit TrainSeedTest.in
  2. Turn on your device's GPS location
  3. Click on the "START" button
  4. Allow the site to use your GPS
  5. That's it, the tool will start showing the Train's Speed


Benefits of Using the Train Speed Tester


Is it safe to use TrainSeedTest.in?

Absolutely, TrainSeedTest.in is a completely safe and secure tool that calculates and processes your train's speed and GPS data in real-time locally on your device.

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